22 February 2010

Day 18 of Being Deathly Ill With Something: 135lbs

I have not updated in forever. mostly because i have been extreamly sick with something like the stomach flu, except i can't even keep water down. heck, i am even puking up blood. i spent the weekend in the hospital and now my family owes a hefty fee for it. i feel bad, but what can i do? this isn't my fault. at least i hope it isn't...i may be changing my blog soon. as in...i may move it to a different blogspot...but i'll let you know if i take the plunge. i may even jump to my own website. but...if you know me at all, you know that i always say things that i never go through with...

i hope i get better soon...then again maybe not.
this has it's advantages in a liquid diet. ;)



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